
Birds on the wires

I know you probably don't have a lot of time to sit around watching random web videos, but this one is pretty cool (and admittedly I sort of scanned through it a bit, so it didn't take long to check it out). I'd definitely recommend at least glancing through it.

A short synopsis: Brazilian film director and musician Jarbas Agnelli was reading a newspaper and in it, saw a photo of birds sitting on electric wires. He decided to make a song using the birds as musical notes on a scale. He didn't Photoshop their locations at all - he simply played out the melody the birds' positions created. Here's the short video and music made from the photo, as composed by the birds:

Nice little ditty, eh?

Birds on the Wires from Jarbas Agnelli on Vimeo, as originally seen on Beach Bungalow 8.

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