
Head space: Sleepyhead mattress cover

How cozy does this blow-up mattress look? Much better than the standard crash-at-your-friend's-place and hope-the-futon-and-blanket-don't-have-fleas fare. (Ok, ok, that might have been a flashback to college; hopefully your friends are a bit better off at this point.) But seriously, that sleep spot looks great.

The pink thing is a Sleepyhead - a mattress cover that adds a little nook for your head. The corner is held up by a thin stick that disappears under the mattress. I couldn't read the actual description of it on the product website (since it was in German), so I'm hoping the description from Swiss Miss is accurate...but it seems like it - I mean, there's not much more to figure out. It's a mattress cover. With a nook for your head. Et voila! :)

Looks excellently cozy to me regardless!

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